بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Sulthan Ghori
In the midst of burning
cities and hitting missiles
Oh! Kabah!! you stand
established example of oneness
and brotherhood!!!
A historical evidence
of the event of sacrifice
and proof of the Qur’anic
authenticity and its prophecy
about the Prophet’s (PBUH) eternal success!!!
A special spiritual
invitation from the
Lord of the Universe
For a spiritual feeling of
His beloved Prophet’s (PBUH) iconic noble life.
What a wisdom of the Almighty Allah (SWT)
that He guides mankind through reviving
the tradition of over four thousand years
and evidence of completion of His mission
by His beloved Prophet (PBUH)!!
The largest pilgrimage in the world
that makes rich and poor equally dressed,
equally shouldered in prayers, equally thirsty
of sacrifices, equally stay in the tents,
equally seeking forgiveness, equally trying to
win over their “Nafs”
equally trying for entry into “Jannah”
equally trying to get rid of “iblees”
equally repenting for their sins
equally making duas for themselves and their clan
and finally gives the pilgrims a “rebirth”-
a pure, sinless and rejuvenated life!!-Subhanallah!!!
What a wisdom of Allah (SWT) to
place the “Kabah” nearly at the
centre of the world! thereby
indirectly indicating that Islam is the
true religion and everybody should
move towards it at anyone point!!
The Islamic calendar begins and
ends with sacrifices-
is it not amazing?
To be precise, it is a reminder for us that
Muslims should surrender to the will of Allah (SWT),
have abundant love for Him and His Prophets, and
adapt the sunnahs of the Prophets
to be happy and prosperous here and in the hereafter.
So, Oh! Brothers and Sisters-in-Islam!!
try to accept Islam whole-heartedly,
follow each of its tenets with utmost
sincerity and do not make the Hajj
a yearly carnival!!
rather sincerely believe and perform Hajj
the way our beloved Prophet (PBUH) performed it,
the way the Sahabahs performed it
the way the righteous people performed it
since it is, undoubtedly, the completion
of religious obligations and surely
the gateway of Jannah and ultimate success!!!
This poem won 2nd place in IIPH’s Hajj Creative Writing Competiton
© IIPH 2015
Photo credit: Al Jazeera English / iWoman / CC BY-SA