Teaching Children the Names of Allah
Ruhaifa Adil suggests creative ways to help children recognize Allah through His most beautiful names (al-Asma ul-Husna)
DetailsRuhaifa Adil suggests creative ways to help children recognize Allah through His most beautiful names (al-Asma ul-Husna)
DetailsDo you binge eat the minute it is time to break the fast? Amina Salau shares handy tips to eat wisely at Sahoor and Iftar meals.
DetailsBy J. Samia Mair Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Many things are more enjoyable experiencing with others. I think homeschooling is one of them—both for the kids and the parent who is doing the bulk of the homeschooling. The kids get an opportunity to socialize and to learn in a group setting, and it can lessen…
DetailsNow that you decided that you want to homeschool and you have started, what’s next? In Part III of this four part series, J. Samia Mair discusses some of the things to look out for in your homeschool adventure.
DetailsNow that you decided that you want to homeschool, what’s next? In Part II of this four part series, J. Samia Mair discusses how to get started on your homeschool adventure.
DetailsMany parents consider at some time or another if they should homeschool their child. In Part I of this four part series, J. Samia Mair discusses some of the factors that come into play when making that decision.