Foreword by Abdur-Raheem Green on The Music Made Me Do It
In it are ample evidences from the Qur’an and Sunnah and pious scholars from a broad spectrum of schools of thought, and this should more than suffice for those who respond to Allah’s commands and flee from his prohibitions. Uniquely, it also includes an analysis of the scientific evidence on the effects of music for those who seek such understandings. Questions are answered and doubts and objections that people raise are quelled, and inspiring stories are included for those whose hearts are open to repentance.
This is a book that is so much needed at this time when too many of us have forgotten that we should be making jihad (struggling) against our nafs (ego) and hawâ (our carnal desires), and clinging to the Qur’an and Sunnah rather than feeding our egos and desires with music, song and dance, which is indeed the Qur’an of Satan. May Allah (st) guide us all to paths of His goodness.
© IIPH 2013
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