By Tasnim Nazeer
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Allah (swt) bestows many blessings upon us, and some of these are material blessings such as wealth or assets. It can often be difficult to let go of such material attachments and truly focus on prioritizing our Islamic obligations. How can we ensure that we don’t become too attached to this world via these material things and ensure that our focus remains on the afterlife? Here are some practical ways:
1. Remember death frequently
The Prophet (sa) said: “Frequently remember the destroyer of pleasures: meaning death.” (Ibn Majah; authenticated by an-Nawawi)
If we remember death frequently, we will start realising that all good things will soon come to an end. Our time on earth is precious, and we have to work productively to earn a place in paradise. When we lose a loved one, we see that all their material belongings remain on the earth or are disposed of eventually; nothing can be taken to the grave apart from the good deeds that you have done.
2. Give charity
One of the key ways to remain humble is to be generous and give to the poor and needy. Looking at those who are lower than ourselves in terms of worldly benefits and helping them out will enable us to appreciate what we have and feel less attached to this world.
3. Make dua (supplication)
Through supplications, we indicate our trust in the Almighty and acknowledge the fact that He is our Protector and Sustainer and only He can give and take. Duas soften our hearts and enable us to see the Almighty as the ultimate source of guidance in this world and in the next. The Prophet (sa) said: “Dua (supplication) is worship.” (Abu Dawood; acceptable)
4. Appreciate non-material blessings
Showing gratitude to Allah (swt) for the non-material blessings of life such as the ability to see, hear, speak, and talk can soften your heart. If we analyze closely, we will see many blessings that are not a result of wealth, and we will start to appreciate the fact that without those blessings, we cannot operate as efficiently as we would like to. This will help us form an attachment with Allah (swt) and ensure that we don’t get too attached to material blessings.
Tasnim Nazeer is an award winning Freelance Journalist/Writer and Author who has written for a variety of print and online publications including CNN International, The Muslim News, Your Middle East, Islam Channel and many more. She was awarded The Muslim News Award for Excellence in Media 2013 and is an UN Universal Peace Federation Ambassador for Peace. For more information, visit her website at or follow her on Twitter: @tasnimnazeer1
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